Riftworld Chronicles

Geek and Sundry have put on yet another series, this one featuring a struggling journalist teams up with a dimension-traveling wizard who is stuck in...

LARPs Seaon 1 and 2

“LARPs the series” has 2 seasons so far, produced by beanduck and Geek and Sundry.  The series follows a live action roleplaying game (LARP) played by...

VGHS season 3

Video Game High School is back for a season 3 brought to us by RocketJump and the famous Freddie Wong. Successfully funded on Indiegogo to...

Your Dungeon My Dragon

Computer game style animated comedy.  It has been described as “The Office” meets “World of Warcraft” and is fairly harmless but with many adult concepts. ...

Morganville: The Series

Web adaptation of the bestselling book series Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine. The web series was successfully funded on kickstarter. Episode 1 Glass House Episode...